Unashamedly, after a 30+ year biz dev and sales career I still get ‘that buzz’ as the ink goes down on a new contract signing. Even though sadly, the days of… ‘sign here, press hard, three copies’ are long behind us (the firm I once represented who would buy and present expensive contract signing fountain pens is still vivid in my mind). Those tense, exciting contract signing meetings having long since been replaced by less personal contract management systems and the ink by electronic signatures.
For a young growing FinTech business, selling into a top tier investment bank can be the ultimate goal, the pinnacle of achievement representing a huge challenge but also such a sweet reward when all the effort pays off.
And so, it is for Opus Nebula… as we approach the final straight of 2018 the virtual ink is drying as I type on our most recent client signing – and there is yet more to come.
The firm? A top 15 bank, measured by market cap, has selected Reporting as a Service (RaaS) as the Factsheet reporting platform for a growing part of its business. We are extremely grateful to senior management within the bank for acknowledging the challenges their procedures and processes can represent to agile young FinTech businesses and for going the extra mile to assist us through the often-daunting process steps. We are also extremely grateful to our own internal teams for their belief and hard work to deliver the deal… now the baton transfers to them to deliver the solution, although our flexible model allowed us to start the process some weeks back the final hurdles still remain. We also look forward to receiving the £10 note from one ‘doubting Thomas’ as settlement of the bet that ‘it would never happen’… you know who you are.
A new client is – a new client but this one demonstrates perfectly our long-held belief that Cloud based solutions are relevant to every organisation, regardless of size or structure. Significantly, it also proves that our pay-for-use commercial model and flexible, yet highly scalable solution architecture works to support the planned rapid growth in our client’s business.
There is work aplenty to be done and we look forward to significant growth from this client as our flexible Factsheet production model will play a significant part in helping them win new mandates. Although for now, it’s a great feeling to be able to say… Reporting as a Service as used by some (OK one) of the world’s largest banks.
Les Gosling
Opus Nebula