A few people I’ve spoken to recently were a little confused about Reporting as a Service. They thought that Reporting as a Service was to outsource the production of your client and fund reports, using a separate and third-party team of people to gather the data, produce the reports and send them back to you for review before sending to your clients. No way!

A key element of client reporting and fund reporting is knowing your clients and being that essential and knowledgeable touch-point for them. Client reporting is probably the most frequent contact an investment firm has with its clients, and as such, they should never give up that relationship to an external organisation.
So what is Reporting as a Service?
Our reporting solution is simple to understand and use; Your data, Your team, Our system, Your reports.
Your data
The data and content used in the production of the reports is provided by you, or your appointed third parties. This data is checked against rules that you specify and ingested into Reporting as a Service ready for reporting. Written commentary and other text is collected and automatically integrated within the system.
Your team
Your team manage and control the entire end to end reporting process, from data collection, data checking, through report scheduling, report rendering, report review/approval and they control the report despatch processes.
The system has a full suite of user dashboards to allow the reporting team to manage and control the automated production of all the reports for your clients and funds. The dashboards work on an exception basis allowing the reporting team to produce many more reports than would typically be the case.
Our system
The Reporting as a Service system is securely hosted in the cloud, the core system is supported, maintained and developed by us. We also configure the report templates to produce the reports for your clients – exactly as you and they require. We are reporting/reporting system domain experts.
Your reporting team login to the system and use the system to produce your reports for your clients using your data. Once you have reviewed and approved the reports they can be automatically distributed to your clients and stored in your document library.
Your reports
We configure your templates, so that they dynamically flex to your branding, content, layout, clients and funds. These are future proofed so there’s no on-going adjustments and changes required.
The reports dynamically flex and automatically adjust so there’s no manual adjustments required, and the entire report production process is automated.
In summary: Reporting as a Service is a cloud-based client reporting system that provides investment firms with a complete end to end reporting solution, that is flexible, scalable and future proof. This allows investment firms to provide reporting of the highest quality to their clients, with set up costs and project time frames a fraction of what you’d expect from a traditional system implementation.
To find out more about Reporting as a Service and how it benefits Wealth and Asset Management firms please visit our website at www.opus-nebula.com and email [email protected] to arrange a meeting and see a live demonstration of the system.
Andrew Sherlock
Opus Nebula